July 5, 2012

Bulimia and Oral Health

Posted in Daily Dental Dose, Dental Treatments, Oral Health & Wellness tagged , at 12:52 am by queenqueer

Bulimia is becoming a common eating disorder, most especially to women. This is marked by the belief that throwing up or taking in too much laxatives after eating are ways to prevent weight gain.

This having said, Bulimics are more prone to having tooth decay and cavities due to their frequent throw ups. Regular vomiting will cause the salivary glands to swell and eventually lead to dry mouth. We know the effects that having tooth decay will later on lead to tooth erosion, and vomiting will rapidly increase the development of this unless it’s stopped.

The best way to tackle this is to have yourself checked on a Psychologist to treat Bulimia. It is necessary to accompany treatments for Bulimia with dental treatments.

Visit the dentist and share your condition to find out the best ways to prevent a more serious dental disease. The dentist will most likely prescribe a certain fluoride gel which may be used while at home.

Other than dental problems, Bulimia may also be accompanied with other psychological disorders such as depression, panic attacks and even vices & addictions which may most likely affect oral health.